Sjeføkonom, med ansvar for all samfunnsøkonomisk analyse, herunder skatt
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Øystein Dørum har vært ansatt i Finansdepartementets Økonomiavdeling 1988-95, og sluttet som underdirektør og sjef for Nasjonalbudsjettkontoret. Han var rådgiver i EU-kommisjonen i 1993. Videre har han vært seniorøkonom i Sparebanken NOR 1995-98 og sjeføkonom i DNB 1998-2016.
Dørum er utdannet Cand.oecon. UiO V87, har grunnfag sosialantropologi V86, Master i statsvitenskap LSE V88 og Autorisert finansanalytiker (AFA) V98.
Chief Economist, with responsibility for all economic analysis, including tax issues
Øystein Dørum worked in the Ministry of Finance’s Economic Policy Department from 1988 to 1995, rising to Deputy Director General and head of the National Budget Office. He served as an advisor to the European Commission in 1993. He has subsequently held the position of Senior Economist with Sparebanken NOR (1995–98) and Chief Economist with DNB (1998–2016).
Øystein Dørum earned a master degree in economics (cand.oecon) from the University of Oslo in 1987, having also studied a foundation course in social anthropology (1986). He gained an MSc in Politics of the World Economy from the LSE in 1988 and became an Authorised Financial Analyst in 1998.